SkullV's Aquarium Adventures

Looking good ted.

Cherry bomb acro looks great tank looks great

Thanks guys! This algae is really confusing me but I'm 100% confident it's related to the ceram-eco rock itself and not the water/feeding. To be honest I almost never feed that tank because the six line stays fat on pods, and the tail spot eats the algae. Skimmer still pulls crap with the carbon dosing which I can only assume is algae die off (it has slowly declined over the last few weeks). From what I understand Ceram-Eco changed their manufacturing process somewhat recently due to a possible issue with the paint they were using. Who knows, just can't wait for it to dissipate. Luckily it stays short, doesn't grow on coral or even super glue, and at the minimum seems to feed the tail spot so I don't have to.
Thanks to [MENTION=1455]Sawdonkey[/MENTION] for the awesome Palmers Blue Milli and ORA Kelly Green Kelly Green Psammacora. Milli is adjusting again (was amazing blue 2 days ago when it first went in) but I'm sure it'll color all the way back up:



New FTS (6/11/14):


Peninsula View/View From The Couch (6/11/14):

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Looks good Ted. Your Palmer's looks a lot better than it did in my tank. It was pure brown/maroon when I got it a year ago, and it took two full months to get blue.
Keep the great pics coming Ted , tank looks awesome .


Looking good... Went with a Spec-V huh :)

Thanks guys! Frankie, actually went wit the SpecV over a year ago just to house my clowns after I moved. Then things just kind of progressed to where they are now.

At this point, I just want to get rid of this algae growing on this fake rock (I think I may be ordering a temporary fish resident for that) and let things grow. I would really like to get a piece of a certain Strawberry Shortcake eventually, but who knows when that will happen. At this point, the tank is really just on cruse control, and I'm bored :(
Added the other half of the NPX Bioplastics today. Now running around 40ml. Tumbling great in the CPR reactor:


Also took a short video of the sump since some people have asked me about how it's set up. The smaller tank to the left of the sump is my ATO tank. It's just a 2.5g glass aquarium:

Added a really small Sea Hare from Aquatica yesterday. Perfect size for this tank. He fits through all the frags and around both sides of the rock perfectly. I noticed him crusing around picking at the algae on the rock yesterday but still not sure if he can actually pull it out and eat it. I guess we will see.
Cleaned the skimmer last night and re-routed the drain plumbing to move my biopellet reactor to the skimmer chamber. Not terribly pretty but works great:




Then this happened for a second....god I miss T5, there were parts of the corals that are normally shaded with my LEDs that were getting great light with this fixture over it. It looked really weird, like white/brown spots in the middle of colonies that just have darkness over them when the LEDs are on:


I see T5's on the next build :peaceful: Are you running dry or wet on skimmer?

This is the last build that will involve the need for high powered lights so unfortunately probably no T5s. I run the skimmer wet-ish. I've found that it helps with the biopellets and also keeps less scum from building up in the skimmer neck. The scum ends up in the cup instead.