Last night was day two of vodka dosing and day 1 of MB7. Little recap on system condition: all existing SPS except for a pocilliopora and blue gomezi are continuing to slowly fade. I have had to remove multiple colonies and am close to being at ground zero as far as stock is concerned. Now for some positive news, I added 4 new SPS frags from AP about 2-3 weeks ago. Those 4 are doing quite well. They are maintaining color and encrusting onto their plug. This leads me to believe the system is on the mend, but unfortunately all the SPS I had just haven't recovered well from the shock.
Since my display is looking pretty empty I've been compiling a list of frags I'd like to replace everything with. If anyone has some recommendations for some must haves I'd love to hear it! My list so far is:
Red Planet
Red dragon
Pink lemonade
Shades of Fall
Strawberry Shortcake
Green slimer
Purple Stag
Jason Fox Flame
Last night I continued with the second dose of vodka (0.2 mL), and my first dose of MB7 (2 capfuls). I turned the skimmer off for about 2 hours while dosing MB7. I tested my parameters after dosing and got the following:
Alk: 8.15
Ca: 440
NO3: ~35-40
PO4: Undetectable
Temperature: 77.9
pH: 8.42
All tests were done using Salifert test kits, pH and temperature are recorded via RKE. My goal is to get alk to about 7.6. It has been dropping over the last 3 days. So, I plan to just let it continue to drop and then adjust the timer settings to maintain.
I'm struggling with the decision of when to throw in the towel on struggling pieces. On one hand I'm hoping for a turn around, but on the other I think it's just fouling up the water. I'll give it one more week, but if no turn around then I'm going to just call it quits on all the sps I currently have, stabilize my parameters and start over.
I also intend to remove the chalk basslet and threadfin cardinal to try to reduce the overall bioload a bit. If anyone would like them let me know.
Now onto some pics
Only SPS that seems to have done well through the whole ordeal
The AP frags doing well and a desperation frag I made last night of my purple stag
This one's hanging in there but has some burnt tips
This one's hanging in there as well
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