I've decided to give MB7/vodka dosing a go. I ran my old 75 gallon with vodka dosing and it was very successful. My plans are as follows:
Days 1-3: 0.2 mL per day
Days 4-7: 0.4 mL per day
Week 2: 0.9 mL per day
Week 3: 1.4 mL per day
The criteria I'm following states to dose 0.1 mL per 25 gallon net system volume for days 1-3. Days 4-7, double the initial dose. Then increase dosage by 0.5 mL per day until a nitrate and phosphate zeros out. Once nitrate and phosphate reach zero, cut your dosage in half. This then becomes your maintenance dose and you can adjust as needed.
My system is currently at 0 ppm phosphates (Salifert) and about 50 ppm nitrates (Salifert). So really not looking for phosphate reduction just nitrate.
I will dose the MB7 per the bottles directions. My plan is to dose vodka in the sump and MB7 in the display.
My new skimmer should fit the requirement of an oversized skimmer for vodka dosing. I will monitor Alk, Ca, NO3, and PO4 daily, as well as record daily dosages.
For this dosing regime I intend to keep my alk right around 8.0. As of last night I'm at 8.3. I've decreased the dosing time slightly to try and drop it a bit closer to 8.0. Yesterday was the first dose of 0.2 mL and I'm hoping to get the MB7 in today or tomorrow.
I'll update this thread to document my results and will do my best to take lots of photos!
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