Cornbred Frag Grow Out

I just got a message from Gus saying he confirmed to Nino regarding the spot.

Now, can I get some commission for having mediated this successfully an Eye will do ;)
Gus just text me back confirming that he sold his spot to Salman.

OK, good. Welcome aboard Salman!

Going forward let's all agree as a group before we do anything like that. I've been hoping someone would want out so we can get these babies split up faster. :toilet: Has everyone else checked in recently?
I just got a message from Gus saying he confirmed to Nino regarding the spot.

Now, can I get some commission for having mediated this successfully an Eye will do ;)

lol, this is why I am protective of these lil ones. People will do anything for this candy. :secruity:
I've been off the boards for a bit and missed this. Im glad this is resolved. I was in agreement with herbie and richiet, but i am glad gus was located and cleared the situation up. I also agree with nino that the group needs to be informed around any major changes.

Hopefully these babies can be split, continue growing, and soom be in our tanks!

I'm throwing this out there because I keep getting PMs on R2R. The bpc flamethrower is in demand an no one is selling. I've had people offer me 600-800 depending on size. Completely random since they know I like chalices and thought I might have it. I'm just tossing the idea out there since its going to take another year or two for it to be big enough to split
Im gonna let the rest of the group decide on the selling part. I bought a small nub of BPC Flamethrower from Negret before our growout started and its still a tiny piece. They are slow growers. The Flamethrower from our groupbuy have been growing faster than mine because I directly feed the groups chalices and not my personal ones. The BPC Flamethrower is a slow grower, which is why not alot of it is for sale. I believe ( dont quote me, I have to look at the piece closely) our Flamethrower has 3 eyes. The eyes are widely spaced out, so its actually one of the easiest chalice to frag.
My personal piece still only has 1 eye and I bought it before the group buy for $400 :(
why don't we cut off an eye and sell the other two? Defray our cost a little and still have the piece. I'm open to this type of idea or even just selling the whole thing.
Yeah I was seeing if the group would be interested. I'd lean towards selling the entire piece since I think they are finicky after fragging. I didn't realize it was three eyes. I bet we are closer to $1000 I'm a freaking coral pimp :).
just to be clear, is this the current and correct member list? I'm going to try to start a private group for us to discuss these more sensitive matters. :)
