Planning a new system- sneak peak

That is much more then a reef tank, it is truly a piece of art. Can't wait to see more.
Thanks Marilyn, but right now it is not even a reef, just a glass box starting to look good :) , I hope with time it will become a beautiful reef just like I had envisioned in my head.
It seems like this build takes forever. I thought I will be able to get water this weekend, but with work so busy I only worked on organized my cabinet and sump. I want this to be done before I put water in. Still waiting on my custom build ATO container that should arrive this week. I finally got a good hang of the ATI lamp and its software and working on my lighting cycle.


control panel

routed couple of notches in frame for powerheads cables, so screen still sits nice and flat.

Everything looks so nice and tidy! This is how you set a tank up! Great job on everything Mark!