Spartanman22's 80 DB

Wow its turning out nice :)

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Thanks man! It's getting there, ya currently not much more than a frag garden.

I still have to get the ATO, GHL, and heater setup.

My nem has been going on a march across my rock work leaving very unhappy SPS in his wake. I need to figure out how to get him off the rock so I can move him back to his island. I'm going to give the ice cube trick a shot tonight.

I also bought a clip on fan to help keep temps down. With the halides I'd been struggling to keep temps below 82.0. I added the fan and this morning I was at 76.7! Granted, that was at night with no heater. So, we'll see how well it does during the day. If it can keep me at 80.0 I'll be a happy reefer.

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Went to Reefwise for a Shepherds angel, came home with a Multibar and a Melanurus wrasse. Multibars are probably my favorite smaller Angels. According to Brian he had been picking at food so hopefully he takes to something!

Pictures will be up once done acclimating.

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Yup! The hr drive back in the pouring rain sucked. But the mystery is in the observation tank already. Going to feed it later once the rest need frozen to thaw.

Lets hope all these eat. I didnt even see the mystery eat or anything. Was hiding when i showed up.
Thanks man! It's getting there, ya currently not much more than a frag garden.

I still have to get the ATO, GHL, and heater setup.

My nem has been going on a march across my rock work leaving very unhappy SPS in his wake. I need to figure out how to get him off the rock so I can move him back to his island. I'm going to give the ice cube trick a shot tonight.

I also bought a clip on fan to help keep temps down. With the halides I'd been struggling to keep temps below 82.0. I added the fan and this morning I was at 76.7! Granted, that was at night with no heater. So, we'll see how well it does during the day. If it can keep me at 80.0 I'll be a happy reefer.

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We have had a number of cool days. I assume you are running AC 24/7.

I thought you went back to the T-247, so I went ahead and bought a brand new unit.
Ya nobody knows how to drive in the rain, very annoying! I've got to head to the local market and stock up on clams and fresh seafood

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I made the decision to forgo qt on the Multibar as I wanted to get him into a reef setting and eating due to their reputation as finicky eaters. I was rewarded this morning with him chewing down on brine!

Today's project is to get the ATO setup. I'm getting sick of manually topping off. I'm going to just use the tunze nano osmolator for the time being. I want to make an acrylic mounting bracket to house float sensors at low/medium/high levels. So in the meantime I'll just use the tunze.

I'll get pictures up later of the new fish in the DT.

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There sure are fancy ones out there. The one ive been using for years is this one. Its basic and works great. I just refill the ato container. But lately I've been tossing the idea of just running a line all the way to the 55G rodi drum in the basement. As the toms aqualifter will continue pumping until the switch is turned off with out any syphon as the supply line from the aqualifter sits above sump water lvl.


Heres the diagram. In the diagram the pump used is a submesible one. I use the aqualifter as a transfer pump. It plugs into thr black square tsunami logo thing. And the sensor sits in sump. I zip tied an old nano magfloat to the sensor so i can adjust height from the outside.

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Here's some quick iPhone shots of the tank from yesterday. I had intended on getting much more tank stuff done this weekend but got too busy with other stuff.








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So found out my apartment complex has to shut off all power for 8 hours Wednesday so that ComEd can do some equipment repairs. I have a battery operated air pump and it's warm enough out that I think the temp will be fine (tank stays at 79.0 at night with no heater). I'm considering buying a vortech battery backup to keep some flow going. Either that or I'll borrow a battery backup from work. I am going to be a nervous wreck wednesday!

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Stay home from work and stir the tank with a wodden spoon. Plenty of flow ?

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk about that comed thing.
Are they going to credit you? I mean. Sometimes they credit people for like a days loss.
But, what if there was some baller living in your building who just happened to have a love one on life support at home? What then? .....

Victor was telling me about his battery air pump and how he might build a battery back up for his vortech pump...

BrB looking for a diy write up. about that comed thing.
Are they going to credit you? I mean. Sometimes they credit people for like a days loss.
But, what if there was some baller living in your building who just happened to have a love one on life support at home? What then? .....

Victor was telling me about his battery air pump and how he might build a battery back up for his vortech pump...

BrB looking for a diy write up.

As far as I know no they aren't. It's a bit annoying that they designed the system such that the whole complex has to come down for repair. I think my battery operated air pump should be good. I'm going to borrow a UPS from work and run a power head on it also.

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Unfortunately I don't think I'd be able to have one of those here by Wednesday morning. My work has a bunch of them sitting around so I'll just borrow one of those. I'll likely get vortech battery backup for future instances and UPS as well.

Can't wait to have a home and a generator!

Tonight I managed to get the sump about 99% finalized. All that's left is to setup the GHL doser and to figure out why my ATO won't work. The float switch works, but the pump won't turn off after turning on. The apex display shows it as OFF but the pump is actually still running. So tomorrow I'm going to try a different outlet.

I made an attempt to move the anemone and that was very unsuccessful. So, I'm just going to have to live with where he ended up. At least it's front and center and not in the back corner. I have to decide if I still want to keep that small island now that the anemone isn't on it. I probably will since it's just more real estate for sticks.

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