Rich's SF Build

So no full tank shot yet. No since in rushing it. The zoa garden is still growing out and the acros are still fraggy.

I have gone a little more high tech with the tank in the last few weeks. I added a BM doser to keep up with my Alk/Calc needs instead of dosing by hand twice a day. I'm going to be doing some traveling in the near future and I want to make it as simple as possible for the significant other. I haven't noticed any significant boosts in color or PE so I'm guessing dosing by hand is just as effective and I might go back to doing it after the traveling.

Also added a protein skimmer (My first skimmer ever). I've been feeding more often since this is primarily and zoa and lps tank and because of that I've noticed a build up of a slimy algae on the sandbed. I'm hoping the skimmer will help me with excess nutrients in the water column.

And last but certainly not least, I finally put together a ATO so I don't have to do that by hand anymore. What a relief. Out of all the extra equipment you can ever buy for a system I think the ATO is the best investment.

And now for the eye candy. I'm very happy with the growth so far.


This guy has been developing very nice orange and green bubbles (I'm hoping they get as big as the Godspawn/Bounce)

Bought this guy from Travis at PZ. When it came in it was a glob of shroom goo and Travis promptly refunded me the money. I threw the frag plug into the back of the tank and forgot about it for a few months. This sweet shroom has been reborn in all it's former glory. This pic does it no justice because it is seriously just as bright as my jawbreakers.
Side Shot

Top Down

I can't capture the metallicy sheen that this one has, but the base is red and green with those bright orange dots throughout


This is the JF Green Eggs and Ham. If you don't own this one and you are a monti fan jump on it. Crazy mint green with pink (not white) polyps. My favorite right behind the WWC Grafted Cap


Speckled Fire and Ice (oldies but goodies)

The original PZ Vampire

No Namers

Sunny Ds

ARC Poinsettias (best shot I've taken of it so far)

Sweet Golds


And still my favorite (Growing three baby polyps right now)

Some nice Acans I picked up from Mr. Polandsprings

Still my favorite Chalice - WWC Sunrise (I'll be doing a side by side shot with the JF Trio soon)


The Colorado Sunburst - Haven't taken a picture of this guy for a while, but it's atleast 6-7 inches big now and the color gets bright every day. You won't believe this picture, but that's true to life. Just look at the frags right below it. No oversaturation

Beautiful Additions.
Are ur clowns hosting that nem yet ?

Lol, No and I hate them because of it :). They are warming up to it though. For the first two months they stayed on the opposite side if the tank. Now they atleast swim by it for closer inspection. Fingers crossed
Omg that nem is gorgeous!! Cut that up and give me a copy lol tank is looking amazing rich good job
Best nem I've ever seen!

Thanks man. It's pretty bright. When I saw the picture from Cherry Corals I was skeptical on how bright they were claiming it was. In person it was even brighter. I'm just waiting for it to split. It's almost 8-9 inches full expanded now. It's still fine in the tank, but any bigger and I'm going to have to figure a way to make it move
Ugh Rich, you're killing me with all this sexiness in your tank!

Nice pickup on the shroom, it's so bright!
Super excited. Came home today and my Colorado Sunburst anemone split into 4. It was getting huge at about 10 inches partially expanded. Now it's more manageable in a 50 gal tank.

Also picked up a pair of Stigmata Blennies from He QTs everything in his system for 6 weeks prior to selling which is great for people without the space for a qt system


I've also been hiding these bad boys away.
True blue dots on a blue base with a serious golden rim


My bounce shroom has also been dropping babies. Check out this little guy

omg the nem split!!! if u ever to decide to sell them, I WANT...

Beautiful blennys by the way :)