Spartanman's cube

Haha I would if I had a space for a Halide, but considering bulb costs and electrical costs LED just seem to be the better option for small tanks. If my tank was 24" I'd stick an ATI over it and call it a day. My tank is 20" I wonder how goofy 2" overhang on each side would look, hmm......
Well my system has been consistently at 80-81 degrees lately. My fiance is constantly cold so the ac is never on the much (which is terribly frustrating since I'm always hot!).

So I think tomorrow I'm going to try and put my OR-T247 back up on the display until I can get a Kessil A360 ordered. The OR-T247 is great but it's lack of controllability prevents it from being a permanent solution.

I am a bit nervous though. My SPS have been growing and coloring up real well lately. I hate to change a variable at this point. I don't want to take a step backwards, but hopefully the coral will respond well.
Just got confirmation that my synergy sump and ATO is finished and was shipped out yesterday. It should be here Friday or Saturday but unfortunately I'll be out of town and will have to wait until Monday
I felt my display was a little empty with only 4 fish so I went ahead a picked up 6 more

Stopped in at aquapros and grabbed a trio of longspine cardinals, pearly jawfish, chalk basslet, and a small matted filefish. Hopefully the filefish takes care of the aipstasia I have.
I love my longspine cardinals! Really shy fish but the blue eyes are worth the struggle.
I'm pretty excited about them. I'm hoping they add a little more activity to the middle column of my tank. Currently all I had were two clowns, flame hawk, and leopard wrasse so not a whole lot of upper column swimmers.
Picked up an apex today (thanks Yury!). all I really need to get still for it are an AFS, dos, leak sensors, and a second EB8.


The upgrade process is really starting to come along. I get my sump and ATO this week. All that's remaining are some Apex add-ons, all the plumbing components (SCH 80 everything this time around), BK Double CONE 150, Vertex Vectra Self Cleaning head, and a second Kessil A360.

It still sounds like alot left but I can see the end of the tunnel!! Six more weeks until the wedding and then I'll pick up the remaining items.
I put the OR-T247 back up over the DT tonight. I'd much rather have the radium and reefbrites but man is it getting hot in my apartment! I'm gonna run a couple day trial to see how my coral respond. I'm really nervous because my growth and color has been great lately. I'd hate to see it take a turn for the worse