Spartanman's cube

As soon as I get home and get it in the tank! Obviously it's not the battlestag but as long as it looks similar I'm fine with that!

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I switched back to my OR-T247 fixture. During the winter it was fine since I like the cold and usually had the window somewhat open, but it was a struggle in the summer. Tank Temps were pretty constant around 80, but the halide warmed up the surrounding room too much.

The reefbrite hybrid fixture with a radium was absolutely phenomenal. Growth and color was outstanding but unfortunately the heat got to be too much in the summer months. The OR-T247 is fantastic too and things have responded really well to the switch. I actually plan on replacing my Kessil A350 with an OR-T247

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As soon as I can get my photo bucket to work I'm going to upload a bunch of pictures I've taken with the new Nikon

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I really like my OR-T247. Such a great light fir the price!

Make sure to keep the fans clean. I've had five of the eight fans in my four fixtures fail. I replaced them with computer fans I bought off of amazon for $6 ea. They are a little more powerful than the stock fans, but a little louder too.

Just make sure to keep salt creep off of the fans. You'll hear them making a ticking noise.
Ya I wipe down the fixture every few weeks. I've had it for about 1.5 years now with no issues yet

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Well despite no changes in water chemistry for over 12 weeks my sps continue to look like $#!& and continue to STN. I'm at a total loss here. There have been no changes to the system, no changes to maintenance, no changes to equipment, no changes to water chemistry yet all SPS are suffering.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Well despite no changes in water chemistry for over 12 weeks my sps continue to look like $#!& and continue to STN. I'm at a total loss here. There have been no changes to the system, no changes to maintenance, no changes to equipment, no changes to water chemistry yet all SPS are suffering.

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Did you check PO4 and Nitrate yet? Also there is a point of no return with most SPS where they will continue to die no matter what you do. You have to decide when to cut off the good parts and reglue em.

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I have cut most of the badly damaged pieces but all cuttings didn't last. I tested PO4 and it was 0.02 mg/L. Haven't tested NO3 yet

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I have cut most of the badly damaged pieces but all cuttings didn't last. I tested PO4 and it was 0.02 mg/L. Haven't tested NO3 yet

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Did you change anything with lighting lately?

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Not sure if i asked this already but hows the temp is it swinging . I had sps do this once and couldnt figure it out for the life of me i actually redid whole dam tank to find out it was faulty heater and was having big temp swings at night .
I have my heater controlled by my RKE, but this is something I actually want to verify. Just before my honeymoon 1 month ago my SL2 fried (cat spilled fish food on it). I ordered a new SL2 and set it up but I'm going to confirm with a handheld lab grade thermometer from work. I quite frankly don't have a whole lot of trust in DA so I'm going to double check today. According to my logged data, temp has been consistent at 78

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I got my swabbie built last night. Not too bad of a unit but it really doesn't compare to the vectra. I have the Vectra 150 fit my Omega 150, and would have gone with another vectra but they didn't have a size for my skimmer.

All in all if you don't need the small size go with the vectra. Build quality is so much better.

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Well I finally found my problem! Finally tested nitrates and they were through the roof! I don't normally test them because in my tanks entire 1.5 year history I've never been able to register any on a test. I used a sa lifer NO3 test and got a result of somewhere between 50-100 ppm (hard to tell by eyeballing).

I think the culprit is a sponge I use between baffles and not changing the filter socks as frequently. Normally I rinse the sponge every water change, but due to the wedding and honeymoon it's been well over a month since a water change. I removed the sponge and filter socks and will run without them. I'm going to undergo a 10% water change every day until nitrates get back under control, siphoning out all the detritus I can find.

It's a bit annoying knowing that I could have cough this sooner if I had tested it, but at least now I know the problem and can start taking measures to fix it.

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Glad you found the answer! Might want to cut way back on the feeding, that was likely fueling your nitrates. Only need to feed 1 or 2 times per day. Some feed even less.